Friday, September 4, 2009


When I ask an atheist a question I usually get an angry, arrogant, diatribe because I am violating his/her first “assumption”. For example, not a perfect example, If I asked an atheist “what is in this bottle?” And let’s say it was water. The atheist may assume its vodka. He then would tell me it is clear, it is liquid, it is in a bottle, the culture of that time was known to put vodka in bottles, etc. He could then go into great detail using science to prove it was indeed liquid, or build a solid case that the culture of that day bottled their vodka and so on. If at any point I tested the contents of the bottle and said I think it is water, I am ridiculed as stupid and dishonest by the atheist. An honest atheist will have to admit dating methodologies, the theory of evolution, and the Big Bang Theory are built upon “significant” assumptions and that these assumptions have not been validated to this date. This should allow for continued questioning.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


If we still have chimpanzees after the evolutionary process brought us to the modern human, why are all the other species between he chimpanzee and the human extinct and without any fossil remains? Even if we find some questionable fossils, where are the living intermediary species? The chimps did not die off. Why would every single intermediary species die off and on top of that not leave a single conclusive fossil to support the evolutionary theory?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Blind Faith: Christian or Atheist?

Which calls for blind faith: Atheism or Christianity? Many Atheists claim the following: The universe was created by the “Big Bang”; life was created randomly but not sure exactly how; humans evolved from apes. Atheist don’t know what went bang, where it went bang or when it went bang. They think aliens or a cesspool with a random electrical charge created life. They believe apes had millions of years to evolve into humans but do not have one complete fossil to prove this actually happened. There should be millions of such fossils. Now compare this lack of evidence to the Christian faith. Christians look at the creation and recognize there must be a creator. The same would be true if we looked at a building, a painting or a watch. We would not look at these things and say that they just randomly appeared or evolved. Christians believe that the God of the Bible is the Creator of all things and is eternal. They believe this because they trust the Bible is God’s inspired word. They believe this because the Bible has accurately reflected history and science for thousands of years. Sure the atheists will claim science has refuted the Bible. These claims are based on assumptions not concrete facts. Based on wishful thinking to eliminate a God that will judge them one day for rejecting Jesus Christ as the Savior of all the Universe.